Wednesday, May 6, 2015

L'inspiration d'été

This week has been busy with finals week and trying to get ready for a gallery show that some friends and I  will be showing in , I'm trying to find vintage frames that I can use for my photographs, but i have yet to find a decent one. This week has also been a nice (weather wise) in the 60s , but my body wants the warmer weather of spring. 

I have so many plans for this summer, i want to paint more ( i have only painted a few abstract tableau's) but these past few weeks  I have the sudden urge to pick up a paint brush and paint more or rather paint period. I am also interested in getting back to sewing, I have this 1940s long sleeve floral rayon dress that i am hoping to  turn into a short sleeve dress or maybe a play suit i haven't decided yet, i am going to post the process here. also i want to learn to embroider , finish a quilt i have been neglecting for the last 3 years.  and I want to photograph more ( It seems that during school time i forget to pick it up) . but i want to do more of it and push the boundaries.

Here are some photos that inspire me and make me wish it was summer already . 
( found via tumblr)

i hope to make plenty trips to the seaside

These colours , so lovely

This simple loop inspired me to start.

I want to spend a lot of time on my bike