Wednesday, May 6, 2015

L'inspiration d'été

This week has been busy with finals week and trying to get ready for a gallery show that some friends and I  will be showing in , I'm trying to find vintage frames that I can use for my photographs, but i have yet to find a decent one. This week has also been a nice (weather wise) in the 60s , but my body wants the warmer weather of spring. 

I have so many plans for this summer, i want to paint more ( i have only painted a few abstract tableau's) but these past few weeks  I have the sudden urge to pick up a paint brush and paint more or rather paint period. I am also interested in getting back to sewing, I have this 1940s long sleeve floral rayon dress that i am hoping to  turn into a short sleeve dress or maybe a play suit i haven't decided yet, i am going to post the process here. also i want to learn to embroider , finish a quilt i have been neglecting for the last 3 years.  and I want to photograph more ( It seems that during school time i forget to pick it up) . but i want to do more of it and push the boundaries.

Here are some photos that inspire me and make me wish it was summer already . 
( found via tumblr)

i hope to make plenty trips to the seaside

These colours , so lovely

This simple loop inspired me to start.

I want to spend a lot of time on my bike

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

daydreaming about the future...

      Browsing tumblr this morning and came across this photograph of a darling storefront, it immediately sent me to a daydreaming daze of owning my own little store nook. Every time I am downtown I see potential stores and  I picture what it would it be like decorating it in my own style adding clothing and accessories that I like. But then the sudden realization that I need money and lots of it to bring this from a dream to reality,  I see it in my future but for now it will live in my dreams . 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Le Chat abandonne

I found this darling poem in my french text book that i would like to share, because who docent like a little poem about a cat?

Le chat abandonné 
de Paul Degray 
Je suis le chat de ton quartier
On me dit abandonné.
Ne cherche pas à m'attraper
Car mes griffes sont acérées.
Je me promène sur les toits
Qu'il fasse nuit, qu'il fasse froid.
Je n'ai pas peur de tomber
Car la Lune sait me guider.
Pour manger au restaurant
Je n'ai pas besoin d’argent
Je me sers dans les poubelles
Et ne fais jamais d’vaisselle .
Je suis le chat de ton quartier
On me dit abandonné
Ça ne me fait pas pleurer
Car mon nom est Liberte

Saturday, April 25, 2015

where this blog is going..


I've decided where i am taking this little blog of mine, it will be an outlet to share my love of all aspects of vintage, sharing inspirations boards/mood boards, outfits, stuff that i have for trade as well as my adventures traveling this summer.
please stay stuned for more to come :]


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Here we go again..

I am back , after a year of deleting my previous blog i was itching to start one gain, 
but why? I think i have many things to share and blogspot is the perfect spot (did that rhyme? )
I am not sure what i am expecting this place to be , but i just had to start.. 

see you soon 